Rt. 1 Slinger, Wisconsin
December 11, 1952

Dear brother and sister David,

God be with you and the Lord Jesus comfort you. Received your Christmas card and note a few days ago. It is always good to hear from you. We were very sorry to hear of what happened to brother David though. While we cannot understand why things like that happen to us, we must remember, "those who love God must accept the fact that all things happen for the best." No matter what, God is with us and beside us. He won't desert us in our darkest hours. So be comforted dear brother, in the end, "God has made everything good." "He leads to glory."

As I am sure you already know, I have remarried. A man cannot make his way alone. My wife was a pastor's widow. Her husband died 13 years ago. God, in His wonderful way, brought us together and we are very happy. We were sorry to have missed you last summer. Time was too short for visits.

We send you all our warmest regards and remain, in love, your brother and sister,

Pastor and Mrs.
L. C. Boeker

[Not sure who the author is or to whom the letter is written. The letter was likely written to someone with the last name of David, possibly Sophie's half-sister Eva (Ruff) and John David. The "brother David" could be any of a number of people, including David Ruff, Jr., Sophie's half-brother.]